Employee Feedback Form Template UK

The Employee Feedback Form Template UK is offered in multiple formats, including PDF, Word, and Google Docs, featuring customizable and printable examples.


Employee Feedback Form Template UK

Editable – Printable

Employee Feedback Form Template UK

1. Employee Information

2. Feedback Details

3. Areas for Improvement

4. Suggestions for Management

5. Work Environment Evaluation

6. Thoughts on Company Culture

7. Professional Development Feedback

8. Overall Job Satisfaction

9. Future Goals and Aspirations

10. Additional Comments

11. Declaration




Employee Feedback Form Template UK (1)
Employee Name:
[Employee’s Name]
[Department Name]
[Employee’s Position]
Feedback Period:
From [Start Date] to [End Date]
1. Key Achievements:
[Describe significant achievements during the feedback period.]
2. Areas for Improvement:
[Identify any areas that require development or enhancement.]
3. Objectives for Next Period:
[Outline goals or objectives for the upcoming period.]
4. Support Needed:
[Specify any support or resources needed to achieve the objectives.]
5. Additional Comments:
[Provide any additional remarks or information that may be helpful.]
Employee Signature:
[Signature of the Employee]
Date: [Date]
Manager’s Feedback:
[Manager’s comments and feedback on the employee’s self-assessment.]
Manager’s Signature:
[Signature of the Manager]
Date: [Date]
Employee Feedback Form Template UK (2)
Employee Name:
[Employee’s Name]
[Department Name]
[Employee’s Position]
Feedback Period:
From [Start Date] to [End Date]
1. Performance Overview:
[Provide a summary of performance during the feedback period.]
2. Strengths:
[Highlight key strengths exhibited by the employee.]
3. Challenges Faced:
[Discuss any challenges the employee encountered and how they were addressed.]
4. Professional Development:
[Indicate any professional development opportunities the employee should pursue.]
5. Future Aspirations:
[Note any aspirations the employee has for their career moving forward.]
Employee Signature:
[Signature of the Employee]
Date: [Date]
Manager’s Feedback:
[Manager’s assessment and feedback on the employee’s performance.]
Manager’s Signature:
[Signature of the Manager]
Date: [Date]


Employee Feedback Form Template UK